You may have heard about Pardot Snippets but just haven’t had the chance to start using them. We’ll provide you with a quick overview of Pardot Snippets so you can get started using them.
What are Pardot Snippets?
Pardot Snippets are reusable pieces of content. They are essentially merge fields that are not specific to a prospect. Why use Snippets? No more copying and pasting the same information. You can store the master copy in one location, and add the snippet to multiple assets. So when you need to update it, you can hop into Pardot, update the snippet, and it will update across all of your assets. Ready to get started using Snippets? Here’s what you need to know.
Pre-requisites for Using Pardot Snippets.
- You must have HML enabled in order to use this feature.
- Enabled Connected Campaigns.
- To use Snippets for business units requires a V2 connector.
- Your user will need the Marketing User check box enabled, and Sales Cloud, Service Cloud, or CRM permission set license.
- It’s available in all Pardot editions but only accessible in Pardot Lightning.
Pardot Snippets Quick Facts.
- Can be assigned to a business unit or a campaign in your org.
- Does not support CSS/HTML.
- Snippets are saved in Salesforce so that means they count as Salesforce data storage.
- Once you create your Snippets and attach them to the campaign, it may take a few minutes to appear when you are creating your landing page/email.
- If you have a snippet on an email template that you’ve already sent out, and you change the content on the snippet, it will not change the content on previously delivered emails. It will only change the content of future emails.
- Snippets can be more than just text, it can be a link, date, or images as well. The largest consideration here is that the formatting happens at the snippet level so the image won’t be responsive since it’s a merge field and purely replacing a value.
- You can use Pardot HML merge fields in a snippet. Dynamic content isn’t supported.
- Snippets will not work in Pardot or Salesforce Sandboxes.
- Snippets will not work with dynamic content.
Where Can you Use Pardot Snippets?
- Email and Email Template: Editable sections with text in the Building tab.
- Form: Above Form and Below Form sections in the Look and Feel tab, and Thank You Content in the Completion Actions tab.
- Landing Page: In text fields in templates without Pardot Regions. If you use Pardot Regions, you can use snippets in Basic, Pardot, and Default regions.
How to Create Pardot Snippets?
- Navigate to content > Snippets > New. Add a name, the API name will auto-populate. Select the type, then enter the value that will appear across all of the assets. Always add a description as a reminder of what the snippet was used for. In the example below, we are using Snippets for the copyright date.
Next, you need to associate the snippets with the campaign. Locate your campaign, find the section called ‘Snippet Assignments’. Click new, and find the snippet you just created. Now whenever you create a landing page or email associated with the campaign, those snippets will be available.
How to Add Pardot Snippets to an Email or Landing Page?
- Open up your email or landing page associated with the campaign you just added the snippet to. Then go to the text editor and use the merge fields > Snippet and select your snippet.
- It will appear on your email template as a merge field, always preview and send a test email to see what it looks like.
Great Use Cases for Pardot Snippets.
- Events
- Promote an event over different assets and with the ability to update details all from the Snippet.
- If you have a newsletter, landing page, or another Pardot asset that you promote a recurring event such as a webinar, you can use a snippet to change out the recurring event information.
- Forms:
- Opt-in text (Pardot Prospect Resubscribe)
- CTAs:
- Promoting a piece of content over different assets? You can quickly update and change out the piece of content with the use of a snippet.
- Notifications based on business unit:
- Legal Disclaimers
- Privacy Policy
- Email Templates:
- Create content for headers and footers that are specific to different markets, business units, location, and other criteria that is specific to the recipient.
- Dates
- Copyright Date
Using Pardot Snippets can be a great time saver. Sometimes we don’t even have enough time to sit and learn about these amazing features in Pardot. Hopefully, this article was helpful for you to get started using Pardot Snippets, or just reinspire you to use them even more. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions about getting started with Pardot Snippets.

Jennifer Contino
Director of Marketing
Jen, our director of marketing comes to us with over a decade of marketing experience and nearly a decade within the Salesforce ecosystem. She’s known for her work with Pardot, creativity within the digital marketing space, and passion for marketing and the power of Pardot and Salesforce together.
About Roycon
We’re an Austin-based Salesforce Consulting Partner, with a passion and belief that the Salesforce platform’s capabilities can help businesses run more efficiently and effectively. Whether you are just getting started with Salesforce or looking to realize its full potential, Roycon specializes in Salesforce Implementations, Salesforce Ongoing Support, and Salesforce Integrations, and Development. We’re the certified partner to guide the way to increase Salesforce Adoption, make strategic decisions, and build your Salesforce Roadmap for success.