The Salesforce Platform App Builder Certification Exam can be a very challenging one. It’s an exam designed for individuals who have experience designing and building applications efficiently on the Lightning platform. Those looking to pass the exam should be familiar with concepts including designing custom applications and their user interfaces, their data model, and their security. Individuals should also be familiar with how to customize applications on mobile, design reports and dashboards, and deploy custom applications. For more information on the Platform App Builder Certification Exam, the full exam guide can be found on Trailhead.
In preparation for the exam, I put together terms and questions as a study tool for the certification. In order to pass the Platform App Builder Certification Exam, it is imperative to understand the different tools at your disposal and what their use cases are. Once it comes time to sit for the exam, knowing these concepts and terms well will help you when identifying the scenarios described in each question. I hope that this set of terms and questions are a useful tool that helps you prepare for the exam!
If you need help, or just feel like talking Salesforce you can always contact us. Thanks for reading and as always, happy building!

Julie Anna Contino
Jr. Developer
Julie Anna is a junior developer with a passion for learning and problem-solving. She graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science and has four years of development experience. She's excited to be a part of the Salesforce ecosystem and combine her previous experience with her passion for helping clients thrive.
About Roycon
We’re an Austin-based Salesforce Consulting Partner, with a passion and belief that the Salesforce platform’s capabilities can help businesses run more efficiently and effectively. Whether you are just getting started with Salesforce or looking to realize its full potential, Roycon specializes in Salesforce Implementations, Salesforce Ongoing Support, and Salesforce Integrations, and Development. We’re the certified partner to guide the way to increase Salesforce Adoption, make strategic decisions, and build your Salesforce Roadmap for success.